Defining Terms


The term "Assigned Female at Birth" (AFAB) is a label used to describe individuals who are assigned female when they are born based on their genitals and chromosomes. It acknowledges that gender and gender identity may not align with sex. AFAB is a term that recognizes the complexity and diversity of gender identity and serves as a starting point for understanding an individual's gender journey.


In this context the term “artifact” refers to a physical object with a corresponding narrative that is created by participants as part of the design process to explore and provoke speculation about potential futures. In this case, the artifacts were created by AFAB individuals exploring potential sexual and reproductive futures. However, artifacts can be used as a design research tool in any chosen topic when exploring futures.


Co-design is a transformative approach that challenges power dynamics by working with those directly affected by design decisions, valuing their input, and nurturing strong relationships. Co-design is a mindset that pursues open dialogue, mutual learning, and shared decision-making. It encourages us to embrace collaboration and actively involve others in shaping our collective experiences. As a collection of methods, co-design harnesses the valuable insights, beliefs, dreams, and fears of experts of their own lived experience, fostering collaboration to generate innovative perspectives and solutions.

Inclusive Language

Inclusive language, within design research, refers to consciously using language that respects and includes all participants, creating a safe and welcoming space. It involves avoiding exclusionary or triggering terms and allows collaborative exploration and adaptation of language to ensure everyone feels valued and comfortable.

Speculative Design

Speculative design is a design practice that pursues curiosity and sparks dialogue. It delves into the exploration and envisioning of potential futures, questioning assumptions and stimulating discussions on the societal, cultural, and ethical. It avoids the focus on the “design solution” by using artifacts, narratives, and experiences to propose alternative scenarios and encourage reflection on the present and future. 

< keep exploring! >

Button for: How did this project happen?